Saturday 13 September 2014

Do and Don'ts of your Sun sign

Hello my dear readers i hope you all are doing good. Well today i decided to write another blog which is interlinked with my previous two blogs  ( Astrology related) can check those blogs by clicking on my profile. Weekend is here and i am feeling very lazy ..because  most of my friends live far from my place so we cannot hang out on regular basis. Anyhow lets talk about today's topic..  it is about SUN SIGNS and i am gonna tell you about the DO and Don'ts according to your sun signs. Let's start with the first one..


1. Don't take anything in free from anyone.
2. Always keep red color of handkerchief with you.
3. Keep one glass of water by your side at night and next morning put that water in any plant .
4. Feed sweet bread to a cow.
5. Don't keep anything with you which is made of elephant teeth.
6. Give sweets to your daughter or sister.
7. Put a silver ring on left hand.
8. Respect your parents and saints.


1. Don't go for other woman. Stick to your beloved or wife only. (well it applies to all )
2. Keep a fast on Friday.
3. Lit a diya (oil lamp).
4. Give milk,ghee and curd at holy places.
5. Wear a silver ring on any hand.
6. Never give a false statement.
7. Never cheat anyone.
8. Tell your wife to help the needy and poor people.


1. Don't keep a pet or any other animal,
2. Give milk at holy places.
3. Respect your mother,
4. Try to avoid green color ( use of it ) .
5. Give sprouted green grams to pigeons.
6. Do the remedies related to sun planet.
7. Don't keep money plant at home.
8. Clean your teeth with Alum ( phitkari ) .


1. Put a copper coin in river while crossing it.
2. Drink milk in silver glass,
3. Give grain, jaggery and copper to needy people or at holy place.
4. Go bare feet to any holy place.
5. Do Durga kavach .
6. Never tell your secrets to anyone.
7. Don't keep a rabbit at home.
8. If you are in a medical profession then sometimes give free medicines to  patients.    


1. Use hand pump at home,
2. Take the blessings of your mother and grand mother.
3. Give coconut and cashew nut at holy place.
4. Fulfill your promises and never tell a lie.
5. Keep silver with you . ( piece of a silver metal or you can wear ring )
6. Feed blind people.
7. Before starting anyone eat something sweet.
8. Feed jaggery and grain to red monkeys.


1. Respect your daughter .
2. Keep a rain water on your terrace.
3. Don't use green color (paint) in home. you can wear clothes.
4. Do Saturn planet related remedies.
5. Don't say bad and abusive words.
6. Pour green things in river.
7. Take  blessings from little girls.
8. Before using a new clothes always wash it once in a plain water.


1. Give yellow mustard seeds at holy place.
2. Feed a grass to cow daily or always keep a one chpaati ( bread) from your meal for cow.
3. Always respect a lady. ( it applies to all )
4. Tell your wife and mother to not walk barefoot.
5. Never accept anything ( in charity) on the name of god.
6. Put a copper coin in drain.
7. Give butter and potato to needy people.
8. Drink cow urine ( gau mutar in hindi) . As gaumutar is considered as a very pious in hindu religion.It can heal so many diseases .


1. Have a honey in breakfast.
2. Put red roses in river.
3. Give sweets at holy places. ( laddu)
4. Dine in silver plate.
5. Go to Hanuman temple and offer sindur and chola .
6. Keep a red handkerchief.
7. Use a red color in home.
8. Give sugar to ants.


1. Give ghee, curd at holy  place.
2. Always give something to beggar. ( it is always not about money , you can give him food or clothes)
3. Drink gangajal .(Holy water)
4. Go to the religious places and help others too to go to such places.
5. Always speak the truth.
6. Keep yellow handkerchief.
7. Keep a yellow flower plant at home.
8. Never con anyone.


1. Feed monkeys.
2. Never leave your house pitch dark.
3. Put a milk in well.
4. Feed crows and labourers.
5. Try to avoid black and blue clothes.
6. Keep a gold with you. ( ring or piece)
7. Give a cashew nut at religious place and keep them at home too,
8. Put a liquor in river.


1. Don't keep a coal on your terrace.
2. Do Jupiter planet related remedies.
3. Don't eat egg and meat.
4. Keep a fast on Saturday and don't speak a lie.
5. Give liquor at bhairav temple. and you are not supposed to drink liquor .
6. Feed cow with a bread (roti) dipped in mustard oil.
7. Take a bath with milk. ( put one glass milk in bucket full of water)
8. Keep a silver brick at home.


1. Never accept help or charity from anyone.Have faith on your luck.
2.  Respect your elders. ( everyone should do this)
3.  Don't leave your body bare.
4. Go to temple,church,gurudwara, masjid at any holy place.
5. Give Jupiter related things to needy people.
6. Always take the advise from ladies of your house,
7. Feed roosters and hens,
8. Serve saints .

So guys these are some easy and fixed remedies or Do and don'ts according to your sun sign. I hope it will help you. Read it and if you want to suggest anything then you can comment below. And in the image below you can check your lucky colors according to your Zodiac or sun sign. Stay happy and keep smiling guys.